
Looking for a place to live? There are many kinds of apartments available in Eugene, from expensive condominiums to moderately-priced single and family apartments. Costs vary according to size, quality, and closeness to campus. Most apartments are not furnished.

For an online search guide to housing, visit the UO's new apartment finding website.

If you need additional help with housing, you may email the AEI office at

Housing options include:

  • Apartments - from one bed to 6 bedrooms
  • Quads - shared living with friends or people you may not know
  • Private Property Owners - such as houses, duplexes and town-house.

Utility Considerations:

  • Electricity, Water & Gas - If your rental does not include the cost of utilities, you will need a contract with Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB), or Springfield Utility Board (SUB), and/or Northwest Natural Gas Company.
  • Telephone, Internet, & TV Connection - Local providers offer bundled packages (Comcast, Century Link).
  • Recycling / Garbage Service - See local providers (e.g. Sanipac, Lane Apex) online.