Graduate English

English Preparation

The AEI’s Intensive English Program (IEP) provides credit and non-credit classes.  Non-credit programs include a 3-Week Grad-Prep and Academic English for Graduate Preparation. The credit program offers a number of courses, workshops, and services to support students seeking graduate degrees. These offerings include English language and academic courses, such as research and writing, critical reading and graduate discussion skills, Statement of Purpose writing workshops, and assistance in researching potential programs in their fields.



3-Week Grad-Prep - Summer 2023

Offered the last week of August and the first two weeks of September (8/28-9/15, 2023), Grad Prep is for students who already have admissions to a graduate program at the UO or another university. 


  • Provide an intensive overview of graduate culture.
  • Polish academic language and skills as needed.
  • Survey academic resources.
  • Plan for academic success.
  • Build community with other graduate students

Policies and Guidelines

  • Students must have received admission to a graduate program in the US. 

Duration of Study

  • An intensive 3-weeks

Application and Visa

  • There is no formal application. Email with your name, degree program, hosting university, and university start date. 
  • Deadline for application is August 15, 2023.
  • UO does not issue visas for this program. Students should have received a visa from their host institution.

Tuition and Fees 

  • Students pay all UO fees and health insurance. 
    • Tuition: $3800
    • UO fees: TBA
    • AEI homestay program: $750

Apply to the IEP



Academic English for Graduate Students (AEIGS) classes, listed in the class schedule under the Graduate Studies prefix GRST, prepare international graduate students to write academic papers.  The curriculum puts emphasis on rhetorical purpose, fluency, organization, discourse conventions, accuracy in writing, documentation, and appropriateness for specific writing tasks, including summaries, reviews, projects, reports, and research papers.